Message from the Editor-in-Chief


Each issue of the journal is preceded by painstaking work of the editorial board and the editorial board, associated with the elaboration of the concept of scientific publication, improvement of a special Internet resource, collection, processing, reviewing, editing and placement of scientific publications of the authors. 

Today, the Russian Journal of Victimology is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical publication, which regularly publishes research of the scientific community of victimologists on current problems of victimology.  The journal publishes scientific articles and reviews containing the results of victimology research, scientific contributions on criminal justice and crime victim support issues, as well as victimological personality studies in sociology, psychology, pedagogy, and other scientific fields.

The purpose of our journal is to create a unified scientific platform for researchers in the field of victimology, as well as to maintain and develop this scientific field. The Russian Journal of Victimology intends to publish scientific materials containing the results of victimology research of scientists, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates, leading specialists, as well as practicing lawyers, sociologists and psychologists.

The journal's publication model is Open Access - all published articles are posted in Open Access. 

Open Access is an international academic movement that seeks to provide free, free access to scholarly publications on the Internet. The benefits of Open Access are maximum accessibility of your publication, preservation of copyright, increased citation of your article, and fulfillment of grant conditions.

I invite all members of the scientific community from the regions of Russia, near and far abroad countries to cooperate as authors, reviewers and experts of the Russian Journal of Victimology. I hope that Russian Journal of Victimology will be useful for our readers as well!


Editor-in-Chief of the Russian Journal of Victimology

Andrey V. Mayorov