One of the basic categories of legal science is terminology that denotes the essence of the impact on crime. The known terms, with all their similarities, can have significant essential and etymological differences, which ultimately have an important epistemological meaning. Based on the materials of publications, applying the methods of legal research, in particular, methods of comparative analysis and synthesis of the data obtained, questionnaires, the article defines the possibility of using the term “combating crime”. Its content is outlined regarding the impact on crime in general, and criminal law impact, in particular. The works of I. Ya. Kozachenko, Yu. V. Truntsevsky, D. A. Shestakov, M. M. Babaev, P. S. Dagel and other scientists. We used the results obtained in the course of an expert survey of 510 law enforcement officials: judges, investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia, prosecutors, employees of internal affairs bodies, as well as 51 employees of specialized scientific and educational institutions. The survey was conducted in 2013—2014. Practitioners from the regions of Russia located in the Central, Northwestern, Southern, North Caucasian, Ural and Siberian federal districts were interviewed, including those trained in retraining and advanced training programs at the Academy of the Investigative Committee of Russia, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and other educational institutions. Scientists and pedagogical workers of educational and scientific institutions of Russia, Belarus and Finland were interviewed (among foreign specialists, those who have scientific degrees obtained in the Russian Federation were interviewed). As a result of the study, the predominance of an integrative approach to combating crime and its regulation was found. The author’s definition is proposed: counter crime is an activity that includes a set of measures to prevent crime and combat crime.
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