Тhe article is devoted to the types of dispositions in criminal law, with the understanding of the meaning of which the author connects the improvement of the rules of legislative technique. Initially, the author examines the legal literature related to the stated problems. Based on the results of its study, it is recorded that the science of criminal law distinguishes simple, descriptive, reference, blanket and combined (mixed) dispositions. At the same time, the author notes that within the framework of such classification, the rules of division are violated, and therefore it is proposed to exclude the combined (mixed) disposition from the members of the division. The author also draws attention to the fact that the types of dispositions should be mutually exclusive. Further, the article contains the author’s definitions of types of dispositions, which allow to eliminate inaccuracy in identifying a type of disposition of a criminal law norm. Having fixed the types of dispositions, the researcher draws attention to the fact that it is often quite difficult to determine the type of disposition due to the presence of many branch of law and inter-branch of law terms and concepts in it. The author points out the need to distinguish between blanket dispositions and specific types of interpretive activities in criminal law, indicating that the latter involve referring to different contexts to clarify the meaning of the norm. In other words, the author points out that in order to establish the meaning of a legal norm, it is necessary to interpret its constituent parts, including terms whose concepts can be found in various sources, including in the norms of other branches of law. The potential possibility of seeking to establish the content of the rule to other legislative acts do not uniquely identify the disposition rules as a blanket, because it can serve as only one way of interpretation in criminal law.
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