The article considers the expediency of introducing the concept of "socially passive victimhood" into scientific use as an important part of victimhood, traditionally understood as caused by the passive behavior of the victim due to various circumstances. The conclusion about the necessity of separation as object of study independent of the form of the victimization due to lack of understanding of the large number of citizens of the negative consequences of passive behavior, leading to an increase of delinquency and increase the likelihood of becoming victims of crime.
The article presents the points of view of various scientists on the essence of victimhood caused by the passive behavior of the victim of crime and suggests that behavior associated with stress, mental disorders and other aspects traditionally considered in the analysis of violent crimes should not be considered as "socially passive victimhood".
The conclusion about the presence of such qualities "passive victimization" officials, decision-makers, causing the growth of discontent with the Authorities – social tensions, participants in corrupt relations, not contributing to the fight against this phenomenon, media representatives and film video industry, reducing the credibility of law enforcement officers and increasing the reluctance of citizens to report crimes, including in the power of sharing "concepts" criminal subculture. One of the variants of "passive victimization" is considered to be the indifferent behavior of students and teaching staff of a number of educational institutions with manifestations of so-called "bullying", who do not understand the prospects of becoming victims of violent crimes themselves.
It is concluded that it is advisable to develop special measures to counter this type of mass victimization due to its increased danger and important role in the system of measures to reduce crime.
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Copyright (c) 2020 П. N. FESCHENKO

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