IV International Scientific and Practical Conference in absentia “Protection of Victims of crime in Modern Society”, which will be held on February 22—23, 2021

(22—23 февраля 2021 года)


We welcome the submission of research papers related to the following topics:
1. Victims of Crimes and Other Offences.
2. Victimisation of the Modern Society.
3. Victimological Preventive.
4. Problems of legal Protection of Victims of Crime.
5. Victim's Advocate.
6. Criminal Justice.
7. Advocacy of Crime Victims.
8. Children Victims of Crime.
9. Victims of Armed Conflicts.
10. Prosecutorial supervision in the field of Ensuring the rights of the Victim of Crime.
11. International Legislation and Victims’ Rights.
We also welcome works of other topics within the framework of the general scope of the conference.


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Author Biography

А. В. Майоров, Editorial Board of the journal "VICTIMOLOGY"

Editor-in-Chief, Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor
E-mail: AB_Majorov@mail.ru

How to Cite
Майоров, А. (2020). IV International Scientific and Practical Conference in absentia “Protection of Victims of crime in Modern Society”, which will be held on February 22—23, 2021. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], (4(26), 68-70. Retrieved from https://victimolog.ru/index.php/victimo/article/view/155

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