A Countering Drug Addiction and Drug Crime:
Results of the Past and Strategy in the Coming Decade
The past decade has demonstrated the increasingly prevalence of drug addiction in Russia. At the same time, the criminogenic aspect of this problem has become more acute. In this regard, the proposed article analyzes a number of objective and subjective circumstances that underlying the causal and motivational basis of the development of this phenomenon. In addition, the author offers an expert assessment of the analytical calculations contained in the officially adopted Strategy of the State Anti-drug Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. In particular, the article states that the reforms implemented during the previous Anti-drug Policy Strategy for the period up to 2020, although they had a significant positive potential, could not radically change the tension of the current situation. The success of the newly adopted Strategy for the decade until 2030 will largely depend on the effectiveness of comprehensive preventive measures, implemented with the involvement of all elements and links of social and state drug control in solving the tasks set in it.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yu. A. Voronin

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