Victimhood as one of the Manifestations of Undeclared Crime
(on the Example of the Republic of Belarus)
The article is devoted to victimhood as one of the manifestations of undeclared crime. The article analyzes the legal framework that allows ensuring human rights in the field of combating crime. Attention is focused on the need to implement in practice one of the fundamental principles of the state’s criminal law policy — the principle of inevitability of responsibility. Examples from law enforcement practice and scientific research of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries are given. The fear of revenge on the part of the offender is highlighted as one of the reasons why citizens may not apply to law enforcement agencies with a statement about a crime. The article highlights the patterns of behavior of victims, leading to non-declaration of committed offenses. Among such patterns, the victim’s ignorance of the algorithm of actions after the committed attack; presence of a gender aspect; cultural component and some others. It is concluded that it is necessary to establish for each case under investigation the reasons and conditions that contributed to the commission of the crime.
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Copyright (c) 2021 S. M. Khramov

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