In the conditions of criminalization of doping delicts in Russia criminological aspects of the fight against the use of substances and methods prohibited in sports are particularly relevant. The effectiveness of state anti-doping regulation can be significantly increased by measures of victimological prevention of doping crime. Appropriate preventive measures must consider the most common factors of victimization of athletes, which increase the risk of committing these crimes against them. Among these factors are: indifference to information about the current doping situation in the sport, including relevant information about the changes in the current legislation; lack of respect for principles of “fair play”; relations with the coaching staff and other persons responsible for the preparation of the athlete and its biomedical support, and others. In addition, one of the most visible problems of sports victimology is the anonymity of the victims of doping crime, which determines the high level of its latency. The complex of measures of victimological prevention of doping crimes proposed by the author can be considered as one of the most important directions of the state anti-doping policy, as it is aimed at reducing of the vulnerability of athletes to these criminal attacks.
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