Personal Victimization and Prevention of Domestic Violence's Victims
The article is devoted to the analysis of the domestic violence's personal victimization. And the article focuses on the factors that determine the dynamics of domestic violence. It is the unconscious factors of the victim, implemented as a "victim's pattern". Victim's pattern can't be corrected without the influence of the victim's unconscious. The authors identify certain reasons for the low effectiveness of prevention associated with a lack of understanding of the such behavior's reasons.
Also the authors note the need to improve the quality and responsibility of officers in cases of domestic violence. This will allow for a risk assessment, as well as exclude victimblaming and secondary victimization. Understanding of victim behavior's causes will allow these to provide qualified victimological counseling, to develop prevention, to influence effective on a person for prevention of victim behavior. This is necessary to create incentives for resolving intra-family problems, as well as to respond professionally to the "victim's pattern", to develop family rehabilitation programs for the aggressor and the victim is emphasized too. It is a successful personal prevention of domestic violence's victim.
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Copyright (c) 2022 E.I. Dumanskaya, A.G. Menshikova

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