Antisocial Attitude of Juvenile Convicts: from Problem to Solution
The article describes the problem of the antisocial attitude of juvenile convicts. The significance of the problem is considered, both for society and for penitentiary practice. Increasing the number of juvenile convicts who have an antisocial attitude in corrections is stated. Along with the urgency of the problem, there is a low degree of its scientific elaboration and the lack of conceptual foundations sufficient for its practical solution. The purpose of the study is designated as the development of a theoretical basis for the creation of scientifically-based tools for diagnostic and correction of the antisocial attitude of juvenile convicts. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the authors propose the concept of the antisocial attitude of juvenile convicts, understood as a poorly structured and little-realized negative attitude towards society, feeling as an opposition to it, based on negative social experience and expressed in criminal behavior. In order to obtain the possibility of its practical application, the concept is supplemented with mechanisms and factors for the formation of an antisocial attitude. The experience of its practical application for solving the problems of psychological diagnosis and correction in corrections for juveniles is described, results are given, directions for improving the tools for diagnosing and correcting the antisocial position of the personality of juvenile convicts are outlined.
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