Digitalization of the Criminal Process as a Factor in the Realization of the Rights of the Victim
The author considers the issues of digitalization of the criminal process as a factor in ensuring access to justice for victims of crimes. The article analyzes the conditions necessary to create a comfortable digital environment that ensures the interaction of the victim of a crime with law enforcement agencies. The author believes that the effectiveness of such interaction can be achieved by creating a digital platform for accessible justice integrated into e-government services and functioning in the form of a mobile application. As the main modules of such a platform, online services are considered, providing for the reception and registration of a statement (message) about a crime and the remote participation of the victim in the production of investigative actions. The presence of basic technological conditions for the creation of these services is analyzed, the main conditions for their effectiveness are considered: the creation of a single electronic register for the centralized accounting of statements about a crime from the moment they are received; the use of interactive technological solutions that provide the necessary level of communication; creation of digital services taking into account the needs of the user and compliance with maximum resource availability. It is proposed to create a mobile application that has the necessary functionality: identification of the participant's identity, audio and audiovisual contact with a specialist in real time, the ability to sign the protocol of the investigative action.
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Copyright (c) 2022 O.V. Ovchinnikova
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