Factors of Victimization of Students with Disabilities in the Modern Inclusive Educational Space

Keywords: victimization, victimization, limited health opportunities, victimization factors, inclusion, inclusive educational space.


The issue of victimization of students with disabilities in modern education is considered. The research focuses on victimogenic factors of inclusive educational space. Victimization of persons with disabilities is presented from the perspective of the process and result of increasing the degree of victimization of persons with disabilities and strengthening vulnerability indicators relative to negative social impacts. The consequences of victimization of persons with disabilities include social exclusion, dysfunction, and personal destruction. The essence of the socio-psychological mechanism of victimization of students with disabilities is clarified. The factors of victimization of students with disabilities that hinder the implementation of inclusive ideas in practice are systematized and generalized. Legal factors reflect the problems of legislative regulation of the educational process in an inclusive organization. Material and technical factors cover the issues of creating universal barrier-free conditions as an aspect of the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society. Personnel and methodological factors reflect the problems of preparation and implementation of educational and correctional programs. Socio-cultural factors reflecting the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, moral, ethical and moral components of interaction. The tolerant attitude towards diversity, inclusion and social acceptance of persons with disabilities is represented in the group of socio-cultural factors; aspects of parental participation in inclusion are family.


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How to Cite
Фоминых, Е. (2022). Factors of Victimization of Students with Disabilities in the Modern Inclusive Educational Space. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 9(3), 322-329. https://doi.org/10.47475/2411-0590-2022-19308
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