The Influence of Historical and Social Factors on the Level of Women's Safety in the Modern Urban Environment
Purpose. Collection of statistical data, their systematization and identification of the causes of gender inequality in cities and dangers to women in the urban environment.
Methods. The following methods of scientific cognition are used: measurement, analysis and synthesis of the information obtained.
Outcomes. The historical reasons that make it known about the situation of women in the international society are given. The history of the emergence, the idea of fem-urbanism and its goals at the present time are told. On the basis of the analysis and synthesis of information that relates to women's safety in the city, the consequences of the incorrect structure of the urban environment are determined. Solutions to the problem are given by revising gender attitudes and gradually equalizing the quality of life of both women and men. On the basis of foreign and domestic The literature revealed questions not only about the safety of a sexual nature, but also about the general safety of a person in a metropolis. Data including countries that are a safe place to live for women of our time were also examined. On the basis of the statistics of a particular country, an analysis of the situation of women in this society is carried out. The results of many years of work on urban development in the countries of the world are given, the organizations dealing with the cases of victims of sexual violence are indicated.
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Copyright (c) 2022 E.S. Shabrova, A.E. Razvorotneva

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