Criminal Violence in Inducing an Athlete to use Doping: Psychological and Victimological Aspects

  • В.Н. Смыслова Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics
  • K.A. Краснова Russian State University of Justice, Northwest branch (St. Petersburg)
  • A.П. Краснокутский State Budgetary Educational Institution «SPARTA» from Moscomsport of the Moscow Departments of Sports (Moscow)
Keywords: athlete, coach, doping, motive, sports motivation, victimological risks, psychological impact


The authors raise the question of the need to study the individual psychological characteristics of athletes using doping at the stages of sports training and during the competitive period. The use (use) of substances and methods prohibited in sports are considered from the perspective of victimological and criminological risks. The correspondence of the types of risk ("risk-control", "risk-impromptu", "risk-negligence", "risk-necessity", "risk-unavoidability") arising in the course of the athlete's use of doping means and methods in training and competitive activities, the types of locus of control, the level of self-esteem of the athlete, leading motives of sports activity, the principle of self-determination in conjunction with the methods and means of influencing the coach on the personality of the athlete and the orientation of the strategy of sports training.
In the context of the provisions of Articles 230.1 and 230.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the methods of psychological influence on the athlete are considered.
The authors conclude that further comprehensive studies of the motivational sphere of the athlete's personality are necessary in order to level his victimological risks.


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Author Biographies

В.Н. Смыслова, Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics

V.N. Smyslova, Senior lecturer at the department of General Legal Disciplines and International Law

K.A. Краснова, Russian State University of Justice, Northwest branch (St. Petersburg)

K.A. Krasnova, Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Law

A.П. Краснокутский, State Budgetary Educational Institution «SPARTA» from Moscomsport of the Moscow Departments of Sports (Moscow)

A.P. Krasnokutsky, Student


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How to Cite
Смыслова, В., КрасноваK., & КраснокутскийA. (2023). Criminal Violence in Inducing an Athlete to use Doping: Psychological and Victimological Aspects. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 10(2), 233-240.
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