Defects in Corporate Legislation as a Factor in the Victimization of Corporation Founders

  • С.Г. Гончарова Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: corporate dispute, victimization of participants, corporate conflict, legislative defects, gaps and contradictions


In the article, the author examines the impact of shortcomings in corporate legislation on the level of victimization of corporate participants. The author raises problems within the framework of the analysis of cases on corporate disputes. Special attention is paid to contradictions and gaps in corporate legislation, which affects the participants of the corporation. The author analyzes how these defects can lead to victimization of corporate participants, reveals the causes and consequences of gaps and contradictions in corporate legislation. The author suggests possible solutions to eliminate these defects and reduce the level of victimization. The article raises the question of the need to develop the concept of "corporate dispute". Its difference from the concept of "corporate conflict" is considered.


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Author Biography

С.Г. Гончарова, Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

S.G. Goncharova, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Document Science, Law, History and Russian Language, Institute of Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Education


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How to Cite
Гончарова, С. (2023). Defects in Corporate Legislation as a Factor in the Victimization of Corporation Founders. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 10(4), 424-433.
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