Improving Work to Reduce Victimhood of Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

  • П.Н. Кобец All-Russia Scientific-research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: criminal victimology, crime victim, victimological impact, army environment, victimization processes, level of victimization, personal characteristics, forecasting, prevention, normative consolidation, legality, legislative activity


The practical impact on criminal manifestations in the military environment, together with criminological, criminal law, criminal procedural, and forensic areas, is also complemented by others, including victimology. Today, the military service solves the most important state tasks and performs extremely important social functions, therefore victim behavior in the Armed Forces is a serious issue that requires resolution. Previous studies indicate that for military personnel who have been subjected to criminal attacks, the level of victimization is much greater than for others. In this regard, solving problems related to the maximum reduction in criminal and victim behavior in the army environment is a priority. The author concludes that among the effective tools for reducing victimization in the military environment, first and foremost is victimological prevention, as well as victimological forecasting, the importance of which is only increasing every year. He also convincingly proved that it is impossible to achieve a positive effect in reducing victimization in the military environment by ignoring the high-quality coordination of the activities in question, improving the legal framework for this work, scientifically based and normatively enshrined prevention of criminal processes in the troops, as well as other measures. In the future, we should strive to ensure that the victimological impact on military crime represents a set of forms and methods to prevent the victimization of the persons in question, as well as to ensure the safety of potential victims of this crime.


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Author Biography

П.Н. Кобец, All-Russia Scientific-research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Moscow, Russia

P.N. Kobets, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher


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How to Cite
Кобец, П. (2023). Improving Work to Reduce Victimhood of Military Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 10(4), 503-511.
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