Victimological Characteristic of Crimes Against Aquatic Biological Resources

Keywords: environmental criminology, fisheries, aquatic biological resources, environmental crime, victims of environmental crime, environmental victimization, poaching


The article is a study of the main victimological features of crimes against aquatic biological resources. The author identifies the main groups of people most exposed to the adverse consequences of these crimes. The key criteria for the identification of these groups were the peculiarities of their fisheries management activities, the degree of their material dependence on it and the natural characteristics of the relevant regions. These persons include fish farms, industrial fishing entities, representatives of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation and other participants in fisheries relations. Special attention is paid to the damage caused to the interests of the state. A set of measures for victimological prevention of crimes against aquatic biological resources is proposed. These measures should be aimed at the formation of active social behavior of these persons, along with which public authorities and local-self governments, law enforcement agencies, representatives of industry businesses and certain categories of citizens should participate in their implementation. The results are important for the further development of the doctrinal provisions of environmental criminology in terms of issues of environmental victimization, and countering criminal encroachments in the field of fisheries.


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Author Biography

А.А. Савичев, [A.A. Savichev] Federal Agency for Fisheries, Moscow, Russia

Candidate of Law Sciences 
Adviser of the Commercial Fish Farming and Amateur Fishing section of the Department of Science and Aquaculture of the Federal Agency for Fisheries


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How to Cite
Савичев, А. (2024). Victimological Characteristic of Crimes Against Aquatic Biological Resources. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(1), 124-131.
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