Characteristics of Victimological Problems Caused by the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies that Contribute to the Growth of Victims of Unfavorable Socialization Conditions

  • П.Н. Кобец [P.N. Kobets] National Research Institute of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: artificial intelligence, victimological problems, risks, threats, vulnerabilities, victimization processes, victims, civil society, digitalization, prevention, improvement of legislation


The relevance of the issue under consideration is due to the fact that the growth of new technologies, on the one hand, gives rise to a number of new opportunities to improve the quality of life, while exposing modern society to serious risks. The manifestation of these risks increases significantly with the use of artificial intelligence technologies, which are rapidly being implemented due to the high technocratization of many spheres of life in modern digital society. In this regard, the subject of the study was the potential risks arising from the introduction of these technologies. The goal was to study the impact of processes associated with the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies on society, to analyze the causal complex that contributes to the transformation of the population in the process of their use into victims of unfavorable conditions of socialization, as well as to make proposals aimed at minimizing the victimization of citizens. The methodological basis lies in the analysis of the most dangerous risks and vulnerabilities in the process of introducing artificial intelligence technologies, their causal complex, followed by extrapolation in the future of the identified negative trends. The results of the study indicate that the potential for harm caused during the implementation of these technologies can give rise to both completely calculated threats and a number of new risks and vulnerabilities, which, according to some experts, are unlikely, but the scale of the harm caused from which may be significant. The author has submitted for wide scientific discussion a completely new problem of an intersectoral nature, which is associated with the victimological aspects of the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies. The main emphasis is on the need to ensure the protection of victims arising after the introduction of new technologies. The author focuses on the fact that in the process of using the technologies under consideration, more and more people will be exposed to various risks and threats; accordingly, their implementation acts as one of the factors in the victimization of society. In this regard, it is necessary to resort to strict legal regulation of social relations related to artificial intelligence technologies. The area of implementation of the results of this research is such that the findings can be used in the development of program measures to counter the threats of the introduction of artificial intelligence, which contribute to the transformation of the population into victims of unfavorable conditions of socialization.


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Author Biography

П.Н. Кобец, [P.N. Kobets] National Research Institute of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher


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How to Cite
Кобец, П. (2024). Characteristics of Victimological Problems Caused by the Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies that Contribute to the Growth of Victims of Unfavorable Socialization Conditions. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(1), 13-24.
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