Victims of Cyber Theft as an Object of Modern Russian Cybervictimology:

A Criminological Analysis of Statistical Indicators of Criminal Victimhood 2021 - 2022

Keywords: cybercriminology, victimology, cybervictimology, victim, cyber victim, cyber theft, cyber theft victim, criminal victimhood, victimization, victimization statistics


The purpose of the work is to establish the socio-demographic structure of the realized criminal victimhood of cybercrime victims in modern Russian society.
The methodological basis of the conducted research is dialectical materialism and general-scientific and private-scientific methods of cognition of criminal phenomena and processes based on it.
Results of the study. The state, structure and dynamics of changes in the realized mass criminal victimization of victims of cyber theft in Russia are described. The tendency of decrease of mass criminal victimization from cyber theft and change of its structure is noted. It has been proved that the highest criminal victimization among cyber theft victims is among those with increased labor activity: young people and mature age persons; the lowest is among the elderly and minors. Among socially vulnerable groups, two categories of cybercrime victims were found to be the most cybervictimogenic: persons without a permanent source of income and old-age pensioners.


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Author Biography

П.А. Кабанов, [P.А. Kabanov] Kazan Innovative University named V.G. Timiryazov (IEML), Kazan, Russia

Doctor of Law Science, Associate Professor,
Professor of Department of Criminal Law and Procedure


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How to Cite
Кабанов, П. (2024). Victims of Cyber Theft as an Object of Modern Russian Cybervictimology:. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(1), 25-42.
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