Information and Psychological Aspect of Involving Youth in Unauthorized Public Events Through Resources of the Digital Environment

Keywords: information impact, unauthorized public events, rallies, protests, psychological safety


Digitalization affects the victimization of society and, first of all, young people. Her behavior often reveals traits of sacrifice, which is initiated by certain external forces. Young people, including minors, are increasingly taking part in the growing number of mass protests. The relevance of studying the reasons for participation and finding solutions to prevent unauthorized public events is increasing from year to year, since such rallies often become the site of illegal actions. The use of tools to manipulate the consciousness of young people contributes to an increase in their level of victimization, just as participation in protest events often leads to sanctions against them. The involvement of young people is carried out mainly through the resources of the digital environment through information and psychological influence.
This article examines the psychological mechanisms of youth involvement in antisocial behavior, citing sources indicating that some protests were organized by foreign sponsors to damage the economic, political and social well-being of the state through specially designed means of destructive propaganda.
This article reflects measures to increase the psychological preparedness of users of the digital environment, recommendations for ensuring the psychological safety of representatives of the younger generation.


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Author Biography

Д.Р. Белодед, [D.R. Beloded] Kaluga State University named after K. E. Tsiolkovski, Kaluga, Russia

Applicant of the Institute of Psychology,
Forensic psychologist


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How to Cite
Белодед, Д. (2024). Information and Psychological Aspect of Involving Youth in Unauthorized Public Events Through Resources of the Digital Environment. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(1), 57-68.
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