Protection of Minors in Online and Offline Space: the Dilemma of Cyberbullying

Keywords: cyberbullying, bullying, minor, victim, internet, information space, digital space, bullying, fake accounts, psychological pressure, prevention, virtual violence, risks, victimization


Modern society has been mastering communication in the Internet society for more than 20 years. The social, economic, and psychological problems of the real world gradually began to be reflected in the digital space. Simultaneously with the development of the information environment, such an offense as cyberbullying began to develop, the main percentage of victims of which are children and adolescents. Aggressors using the worldwide Internet, hidden data, fake accounts can harm the chosen victim by spreading false information discrediting her honor and dignity, as well as by exerting psychological pressure and violence. The article examines the concept of cyberbullying, its elements, types, and assesses the psychological state of the victim and the cyberbuller himself. The Russian legislation is analyzed, in which, although there is no such fixed concept as cyberbullying, there are related elements of crimes and offenses. The need for interdisciplinary research (by lawyers, psychologists, educators, social educators, etc.) of bullying and cyberbullying has been identified. An algorithm for the prevention and prevention of virtual violence against minors is proposed, with the help of which it is possible to minimize the risks of victimization of adolescents.


Financing: The publication was prepared as part of the fulfillment of state task No. 0851020220-0033 "Transformation of private and public law in conditions of evolving personality, society and the state"


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Author Biography

М.В. Шайкова, [Shaikova M.V.] Southwestern State University, Kursk, Russia

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics of the Faculty of Law


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How to Cite
Шайкова, М. (2024). Protection of Minors in Online and Offline Space: the Dilemma of Cyberbullying. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(2), 267-277.
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