Typological Model of the Digital Environment of Interaction Between Individuals and Investigative Bodies in Criminal Proceedings in the Russian Federation
The subject of the study is the digital environment of interaction between indidvduals and investigative bodies in criminal proceedings in the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to develop a typology of development of the digital environment of interaction between citizens and investigative bodies in criminal proceedings, reflecting its development as a systemic object. The hypothesis of the study assumes the possibility of presenting the subject of the study in the form of a systemic object, organised according to the principle «from simple to complex», possessing a number of qualities (criteria) that reflect its systemic nature. We applied a categorical method of a number of information criteria, reproducing the logic of progressive development of the digital environment of interaction between citizens and investigation bodies as its organisational complexity increases. As a result of the research: 1) information criteria reflecting the qualities of the subject of research as a systemic object (informing, information reception, counselling, communication, information evaluation) are revealed; 2) the sequence of information criteria reflecting the increasing complexity of the digital environment of interaction between citizens and investigation bodies in criminal proceedings in Russia in the process of its evolutionary development is substantiated; 3) the typology of digital environment reflecting its species diversity and evolutionary sequence is developed; 2) the sequence of information criteria reflecting the increasing complexity of the digital environment of interaction between citizens and investigation bodies in the process of its evolutionary development is substantiated; 3) the typology of digital environment reflecting its evolutionary sequence is developed. The highlighted qualities of the digital environment allow: 1) monitor the current level and prospective directions of its development; 2) assess the timeliness of the introduction of certain forms of interaction between citizens and investigative bodies from the perspective of compliance with the current stage of development of the digital environment; 3) forecast possible trajectories of its evolution in both progressive and regressive directions. The results obtained can be used to develop concepts of digitalisation of criminal proceedings in Russia, to substantiate possible trajectories of evolutionary development of the digital environment of interaction between citizens and bodies conducting criminal proceedings, to assess the current state of digitalisation of criminal proceedings, to evaluate the effectiveness of planned transformations, to assess the implementation of the rights of citizens participating in criminal proceedings in the digital environment.
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