Personal Characteristics of Juvenile Convicts and the Possibility of Taking Them Into Account in the Penitentiary Probation System
During the empirical study, individual psychological, criminal law, and socio-demographic characteristics of juvenile convicts were identified, with the help of which recommendations were formulated to correctional officers on the possibilities of taking them into account in the penitentiary probation system.
An analysis of the individual psychological characteristics of juvenile convicts made it possible to establish that juvenile convicts are neurotic, characterized by expressive behavior and increased excitability. They are not proactive and not demanding of themselves. They have a weak indicator of sociability. They are characterized by spontaneous aggressiveness, combined with a low level of balance and a high level of irritability. They are prone to reactive aggressiveness and are characterized by poor regulation of mental states. They show low mood (depressed), are irritable, they exhibit severe depression, inhibition of cognitive processes, have constant mood swings, irritability and aggressiveness. They are characterized by masculine qualities: independence, assertiveness, and a high level of self-confidence.
Diagnostics of the criminal legal characteristics of convicted minors showed that most of the crimes were committed by minors against life and health; the majority were sentenced to 3.6 years. Most juvenile convicts admit their guilt in the crime committed.
Analysis of socio-demographic characteristics showed that many of them have lost social connections; About one third of parents of minors suffer from drug or alcohol addiction. Every fifth juvenile convict experienced mental trauma, while most of them had traumatic brain injuries before their conviction and were registered in a psychoneurological dispensary.
The results of the empirical study made it possible to identify the individual psychological, criminal law, and socio-demographic characteristics of juvenile convicts. It has been established that knowledge of the personality characteristics of convicted minors will make it possible to take them into account in the penitentiary probation system.
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