Criminal victimization of minors from property cybercrime:
analysis of statistical indicators and prospects for the formation of juvenile cybervictimology
Property crime in the information space as one of the varieties of cybercrime has a high degree of public danger for a significant proportion of users of information technologies and information resources, including minors. Assessment of its negative impact on the criminogenic situation in the information space is not possible without taking into account the state of mass criminal victimization of various categories of victims, including minors. The criminological analysis of departmental victimization statistics carried out by the author showed that in the period 2021-2022 showed that minors are most often victims of cyber theft, and less often victims of cyber fraud. The most victimogenic age group of juveniles is 16-17 years old, and less victimogenic are juveniles under 14 years old. Realized criminal victimization of minors from property cybercrime increases as they grow up.
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