Family (domestic) Violence as an Interdisciplinary Category of Scientific Research and an Object of Administrative and Legal Counteraction

  • А.В. Равнюшкин [Ravnyushkin A.V. ] St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: family violence; inter-scientific concept; forms of family violence; family conflict; criminal and administrative responsibility


Scientific works from various branches of science devoted to the study of violence and its type - family (domestic) violence have been studied. Having considered the available theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding violence (biological, psychological, legal), acts of international law, the author presents a definition of its type - family violence, highlights its signs (properties), allowing on the basis of an integrated approach to distinguish:
- "ordinary" violence (occurs among strangers and unfamiliar people) from family (domestic);
- the behavior of a person in a family with a stable type of "harsh" behavior (the behavior of an abuser – a person who abuses force, power or influence, harming others) from legally prohibited (illegal and harmful). The arguments are outlined that allow us to believe that family violence can be expressed in the form of physical and/or psychological violence, and the rest The forms are their subspecies. The results of the author's research have not only theoretical, but also practical significance.
Conclusions are drawn that for the most effective and efficient work with citizens who commit acts of violence in the family sphere, police officers and other subjects of crime prevention should have knowledge about the essence of family violence and build, taking into account the specific circumstances and factors of each family and domestic conflict, a strategy and tactics for the prevention and suppression of offenses.


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Author Biography

А.В. Равнюшкин, [Ravnyushkin A.V. ] St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia

Deputy Head of the Department of Administrative Law,
Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor,



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How to Cite
Равнюшкин, А. (2024). Family (domestic) Violence as an Interdisciplinary Category of Scientific Research and an Object of Administrative and Legal Counteraction. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(3), 460-475.
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