About the Experience of Psychologically Corrective Work with Drug-addicted Convicts in a High-security Penal Colony
(on the example of IK-1 of the Federal Penal Correctional Center of the Udmurt Republic)
Psychological work with drug addicted inmates in penitentiary institutions of the penitentiary system is prescribed by the requirements of normative acts. In order to prevent repeated crimes by drug addicts, by the order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia the Departmental Program for persons with alcohol and drug addiction, held in pre-trial detention centers and correctional institutions of the penitentiary system, was introduced. The article describes the experience of conducting a class with drug-dependent inmates using the method of group discussion. This method was chosen due to the specific characteristics of drug-dependent inmates. Conducting a class using the group discussion method involves certain stages, one of which is filling out a specially designed questionnaire. At the stage of group discussion of drug-dependent inmates' answers to the questionnaire, the skills of reflection, communication, awareness of their activities to solve the problem are activated, and the effect of group support arises. The group discussion method class ends with the development of certain general group norms and sets the direction of psychological work for the next classes.
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