Personal Qualities and Their Influence on Managerial Activities
(on the Example of the Commander of the Study Group of the Educational Organization of the Federal Penitentiary Service Of Russia)
The article is devoted to the study of personal qualities that contribute to the successful management of a study group in departmental-type educational institutions (educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia), especially in conditions when the commanders of training groups perform the functions of mentors and organizers. The study analyzes how the perception of the key qualities of the commander of the training group varies between different categories of employees, including management, commanders of training groups and cadets. The results showed that management focuses on qualities related to responsibility and discipline, and commanders and cadets highlight communication and social skills that contribute to team cohesion and motivate cadets. The differences lie in the emphasis placed on certain personal qualities that each category of subjects considers the most important for their professional role and the role of the commander of the training group.
The study highlights the importance of an integrated management approach that harmoniously combines the personal qualities of a commander, contributing to the creation of an organized, disciplined and motivated learning environment. These conclusions are important for further improving the training of commanders of training groups, which, in turn, will have a positive impact on the training and service of subordinate cadets in educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.
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