Juvenile Victims of Crimes Against Sexual Inviolability Committed in the Family

(Victimization Characteristics of Personality and Their Use in the Investigation)

  • Н.Ю. Костицын [Kostitsyn N.Yu.] Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation named after A.Y. Sukharev
Keywords: crimes against the sexual integrity of minors, victimization, features of victim behavior of minors, the mechanism of crime, prevention of crimes against minors, families at risk


The article examines the content of the age structure of criminal victimization of minors victims of crimes against sexual integrity in the family. The necessity of identifying the causes and characteristics of juvenile victims of crimes in the categories of cases under consideration is argued in order to solve certain tactical tasks and select special tactical techniques when conducting investigative actions.
Based on scientific knowledge in the field of criminology and victimology, the author conducts a comprehensive analysis of the psychological characteristics of victim behavior of juvenile victims, considering victimological characteristics in accordance with their age parameters, in relation to the mechanism of the crime, in the interaction of the dyad "juvenile victim - criminal".
The research uses general scientific methods of dialectical epistemology in combination with private scientific methods: comparative method and method of multifactor analysis, a systematic, integrated and differentiated approach is carried out. The empirical basis of the research is the materials of investigative and judicial practice, as well as the author's own experience of investigative actions.
As a result of the research work, the author comes to the conclusion that the identification and differentiation of the age characteristics of juvenile victims, the typification of victim behavior and victim potential of families of the so-called risk group is of applied importance: it allows making optimal tactical decisions during the investigation of crimes against the sexual integrity of minors committed in the family, and is also used for the development of measures to prevent victimization in children and adolescents.


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Author Biography

Н.Ю. Костицын, [Kostitsyn N.Yu.] Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation named after A.Y. Sukharev

The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Moscow region, the investigative department for the city of Vidnoye
E-mail: nikolay_kosticyn@icloud.com


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How to Cite
Костицын, Н. (2024). Juvenile Victims of Crimes Against Sexual Inviolability Committed in the Family. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(4), 516-527. https://doi.org/10.47475/2411-0590-2024-11-4-516-527
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