Deviant behavior, social frustration, locus of control and meaningfulness of students' lives
The study focuses on identifying deviant behavior tendencies and personality traits of university technical students. The methods of "Tendency to deviant behavior" by A. N. Orel were used; "The level of social frustration" by L. I. Wasserman in the modification of V. V. Boyko; "Level of subjective control" by Bazhin E.F., Golynkina S.A., Etkind A.M.; Test "Meaningful orientations" by D. A. Leontyev. Data processing was carried out using primary statistics, Student's t-test, Pearson correlation analysis. The study sample was made up of students of the 2nd and 3rd courses of technical specialties of the university. The total number of subjects was 59 people, of which 28 were girls and 31 were young men, the average age was 19 years. Differences are presented between indicators of deviant behavior, social frustration, locus of control and meaningfulness of life in university students and female students, as well as in students with high and low levels of meaningfulness of life.The relationships of the listed psychological phenomena among students and university students have been identified. The results show that girls have a greater tendency to demonstrate socially acceptable responses, to positive self-presentation. Young men manage their emotions more successfully, but show greater susceptibility to dependent, auto-aggressive and violent behavior. Young men have a higher internality in relationships with other people, which indicates their greater confidence in the ability to manage interpersonal relationships. Students with a high level of meaningfulness of life are more likely to show international personality traits, taking responsibility for their relationships and production activities. Students with a low level of meaningfulness of life have higher rates of social frustration. No common relationships were found in the female and male samples. Specific relationships for boys and girls were highlighted.
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