Cyber Threats in the New Reality of Russia:
Status and Methods of Countering
In the modern world, information security issues are becoming an integral part of life. In connection with the widespread introduction of modern information technologies into human activity, his life, information resources are the most vulnerable part of the system, subject to increasing attacks from intruders and of interest. Moreover, every year, cybercriminals use new ways and methods of committing atrocities, finding vulnerabilities both in computer networks, information security systems, and taking advantage of the gullibility and computer illiteracy of users, including using social engineering techniques. This necessitates the need to focus on data security in cyberspace, ensuring the proper level of information protection, and an integrated approach to solving this problem. In the modern world, users use many techniques and methods for protecting data - cryptography, hardware protection for computer equipment, authentication and many others. This article, based on scientific research materials and special literature on the subject of research, presents the capabilities of one of the most reliable technologies - blockchain technology, which, due to a number of distinctive properties and characteristics, allows for more reliable information protection. Further digitalization of society determines the development of new techniques and methods for protecting information. The main trends in the development of cyber defense are the further study and use of artificial intelligence, quantum cryptography, and cloud technologies. An important role in the field of data protection is also played by increasing the level of information security of society, eliminating computer illiteracy of users, and complying with the rules for using computer networks.
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