Features of Countering the Investigation of Crimes Committed Using Cryptocurrency in the Russian Federation

  • В.В. Векленко [Veklenko V.V.] St. Petersburg State University, Saint Рetersburg, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1373-6271
  • А.М. Чихрадзе [Chikhradze A.M.] Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia, Saint Рetersburg, Russian Federation https://orcid.org/0009-0000-0763-2228
Keywords: counteraction to investigation, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, victimization, victimization, anonymity, decentralization, technical counteraction, legal counteraction, cryptocrime


The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of countering the investigation of crimes committed using cryptocurrency. The paper highlights the theoretical positions of counteraction, the points of view of researchers from different years regarding its main common features. Attention is paid to a number of objectively existing factors that contribute to countering the investigation of this category of cases (the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency transactions, anonymity, and the heterogeneity of its legal regulation). Cybervictimological characteristics of victims of cryptoprimes are highlighted, including low digital literacy, credulity and insufficient data protection. The commission of this group of crimes is accompanied by a number of features due to the special sphere of existence and turnover of cryptocurrency. Hence, the unconventional formation of the trace pattern, as well as the specifics of the forms and types of counteraction to the investigation.The paper proposes to consider the forms of countering the investigation of crimes committed using cryptocurrencies in the key of technical and legal forms of counteraction. The technical form of counteraction involves the use of specialized software to conceal or destroy electronic and digital traces. In the context of the consideration of legal forms of counteraction, attention is focused, among other things, on the features of the procedural fixation of the detection and seizure of electronic digital traces in order to minimize the possibilities of legal counteraction to the investigation of crimes committed using cryptocurrencies. The work highlights the importance of an integrated approach to the investigation of cryptocrimes in order to increase the effectiveness of investigative measures.


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Author Biographies

В.В. Векленко, [Veklenko V.V.] St. Petersburg State University, Saint Рetersburg, Russian Federation

Professor of the Department of Criminal Law,
Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor
E-mail: veklenkovv@yandex.ru

А.М. Чихрадзе, [Chikhradze A.M.] Saint Petersburg University of the MIA of Russia, Saint Рetersburg, Russian Federation

Associate Professor of the Department of Criminalistic,
Сandidate of Law Sciences
E-mail: anna.chikhradze@mail.ru


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How to Cite
Векленко, В., & Чихрадзе, А. (2024). Features of Countering the Investigation of Crimes Committed Using Cryptocurrency in the Russian Federation. VICTIMOLOGY [VIKTIMOLOGIA], 11(4), 576-586. https://doi.org/10.47475/2411-0590-2024-11-4-576-586
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