VICTIMOLOGYVol 12 No 1 (2025)
Online first
Articles that have been reviewed and approved by the editorial board for publication in the current issue are presented in the "online first" format with full metadata, without the pages of the printed version. The full version of the publication presented in the "online first" format will be available after the issue is signed in print.
Vol 11 No 4 (2024)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 11 No 3 (2024)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 11 No 2 (2024)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 11 No 1 (2024)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 10 No 4 (2023)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 10 No 3 (2023)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
The collection of conference materials (JUV-2023)
2023Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Juvenile Victimology (JUV-2023)", held on June 01, 2023.
Conference organizers:
Editorial Board of the scientific and practical journal "Victimology | Victimology" (e-ISSN 2782-277X);
Chelyabinsk State University, Department of Prosecutorial Supervision and Organization of Law Enforcement; Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryazov (IEUP); Ural University - Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law.
Conference program (JUV-2023) -
Vol 10 No 2 (2023)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 10 No 1 (2023)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
The collection of conference materials (PVCMS 2023)
2023Collection of materials of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference Protection of Victims of Crime in Modern Society (PVCMS 2023) (February 21-22, 2023), dedicated to the International Day of Support for Victims of Crime.
The collection of conference materials contains reports (abstracts) of speeches of all participants, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates.
Conference program (PVCMS 2023).
Indexation of the collection: RSCI -
Vol 9 No 4 (2022)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical.
The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia.
The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 9 No 3 (2022)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical.
The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia.
The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.
Vol 9 No 2 (2022)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
Gorshenkov, A.G., Gorshenkov, G.N. Criminal victimology as an interdisciplinary preventive theory. Mayorov, A.V. Does digitalization affect victimization in modern society? Mullakhmetova, N.E. Victimological aspects of iatrogenic crimes. Sumachev, A.V. To the question of minimum standard rules of treatment of crime victims. Sheveleva S.V., Shaikova M.V. Protection of female minors from sexual abuse (criminal and criminological approach). Nikitin, E.V. Ensuring victimological safety and crime prevention with the use of information technology. Khramov, S.M. The right of a crime victim to necessary defense. Yuzikhanova, E.G., Yuzikhanova, K.S. Causal attribution in the mechanism of personal victimization. -
Vol 9 No 1 (2022)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
Kabanov, P.A. Victimological measurement of criminal mortality in the Russian Federation: analysis of statistical indicators 2015-2020. Timoshina, E.M., Evseev, A.V. Victimological aspects of crime at the facilities of railway, water and air transport of the Russian Federation. Zadorozhnaya, V.A. Digital inequality in victims' access to criminal justice: definition of the concept. Radosteva, Y.V. On the issue of criminal law protection of cryopreserved human embryos. Kobets P.N. Legislative bases of victims' rights to compensation for property damage caused by a crime abroad. Jasmina Igrački. Victimological and Criminal Aspects of Juvenile Crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Evtushenko I.I. Actual Directions of Victimological Prevention of Distant Theft. Feshchenko P.N. Place and role of victimological prevention in educational institutions in the system of measures to ensure national security of the Russian Federation. -
The collection of conference materials (PVCMS 2022)
2022Collection of materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference Protection of Victims of Crime in Modern Society (PVCMS 2022) (February 22-23, 2022), dedicated to the International Day of Support for Victims of Crime.
The collection of conference materials contains reports (abstracts) of speeches of all participants, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates.
Conference program (PVCMS 2022).
Indexation of the collection: RSCI -
Vol 8 No 4 (2021)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
Antonyan, Yu.M., Timoshina, E.M. Victimological Public Dangerous Problems of Commercial Surrogacy in Russia. Boeva, M.A. About the Meaning of Morality in the Prevention of Women's Crime. Dunaeva, O.N. Overcoming Domestic Violence in Contemporary China. The Law against Domestic Violence (2016)Preparation of the bill and the first results of application (2016 - 2021). (Part 2). Kozachenko, I.Y., Sergeyev, D.N. Fetal Crimes. Mayorov, A.V. Victimological Expertise of the Criminal Justice System(Review of UN Recommendations). Puchkov, D.V. Cyberterrorosm as a New Threat. -
Vol 8 No 3 (2021)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
Yegorov, O.N., Bityutskikh, D.D. Victim of Crime: Stigma or Concatenation of Circumstances. Sumachev, A.V., Temnikova, O.N. Provoking Behavior of Children as a Basis for the Implementation of Parental Authority. Igraсki J., Karoviс S. Corruption and Money Laundering as Legal and Social Phenomena - Causes, Phenomenology, Consequences. Dunayeva, O.N. Overcoming Domestic Violence in Contemporary China. Gender Policy and the Evolution of Family and Marriage Law (part 1). Tоth, N.А. Sport and Security – New Technologies. -
Vol 8 No 2 (2021)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
MAYOROV, A.V. Victimology in Russia: Overviewing of the Stages of the Scientific Direction`s Development. RESHNYAK, M.G. On Some Problematic Issues of Protecting the Rights of the Victim in Criminal Proceedings. GREBNEV, D.Yu., EVSEEV, A.V., SHCHUKIN, A.M. Analysis of Victimological Aspects of Crime in the Field of Migration in the Context of the Spread of Coronavirus Infection in the Territory Russian Federation. FESHCHENKO, P.N. Once Again to the Question of “Forced Victimization of the Population”. KHOMENKO, A.N. On the Victimization of Cybercrime Victims. KOBETS, P.N. Modern Japanese Experience in Protecting the Rights of Victims of Crime. STATSENKO, V.G. On Some Trends in the Criminal Victimization of Minors in the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation: A Comparative Analysis. FOMINYKH, E.S. Victimological Aspects of Interaction in the Media Space -
Vol 8 No 1 (2021)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
KABANOV, P.A. Victimological Views of Professor Alexander V. Lokhvitsky and their Modern Significance. ALEXANDRINA, N.M. Corporate Victims of Crime: Concept and Content. ASADULLINA, G.R., IVENTEV, S.I. Victims of Spiritual and Moral Crimes. GLYANTS, Ye.M. The Main Social and Victimological Measures for the Protection of Orphans in the Russian Federation. KOBETS, P.N. Legal Regulation of Compensation for Criminal Damage in the States of the Anglosaxon Legal System and the Need to Use their Experience in Domestic Law-Making. KHRAMOV, S.M. Victimhood as one of the Manifestations of Undeclared Crime(on the Example of the Republic of Belarus) -
The collection of conference materials (PVCMS 2021)
2021Collection of materials of the IV International Scientific and "Practical Conference Protection of Victims of Crime in Modern Society" (PVCMS 2021) (February 22-23, 2021), dedicated to the International Day of Support for Victims of Crime.
The collection of conference materials contains reports (abstracts) of speeches of all participants, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates.
Conference program (PVCMS 2021).
Indexation of the collection: RSCI -
No 4(26) (2020)In the issue
Lisova, E.N., Safonova, N.A. Medical workers' Perceptions of their own Victimization due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Feshchenko, P.N. On the Increase in the Negative Consequences of "Passive" Victimhood in Modern Russia. Rachitskaya, V.A. Administrative Offenses in the Sphere of Family Violence and Problems of their Prevention. Kvashis, V.E., Dunaeva, O.N. Modern State and Actual Directions of Support to Victims of Crimes in Japan
No 3(25) (2020)In the issue
Mayorov, A.V. Congratulations to Ivan Yakovlevich Kozachenko on his 80th Birthday! Tkachev, I.O. Criminal and Legal Protection of Life: from the Human Embryo to genetic well-being. Goncharov, D.Yu. Counteraction to Crime as a Model of Complex Criminal and Legal Impact. M. TIHANYI, S. MATYASH, V. VARI, KRASNOVA, K.A. Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Drug Users and Drug Addicts in Hungary.
No 2(24) (2020)In the issue
FOMINYKH, E.S. Temporal Determinants of the Victimization of Personality. NIGMATULLIN, M.R. Domestic Violence as a Cause of Suicide. SMYSLOVA, V. N. Criminogenic Victimization of Individual Populations under the Conditions of Radicalization and Protest Activity. KUZNETSOVA, K.V. MAYOROV, A.V. Role of Mass Media in Victimological Prevention. YUZIKHANOVA, E.G. Opinion on the Abstract of the Dissertation of Demidova-Petrova Elizaveta Viktorovna “Juvenile Delinquency in Modern Russia: Theoretical, Methodological and Applied Problems her Knowledge and Warnings”
No 1(23) (2020)ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
GORSHENKOV, G.N. Criminological Victimology as Art. MULLAKHMETOVA, N.Е. On the Issue of Compensation for Damage in the Event of Natural, Man-made and Social Emergencies. VORONIN, Yu.A. Crimes in the Sphere of Circulation of Digital Information and their Determinants. KVASHIS, V.E. Criminal Justice and Corporate Business: Notes from the Rome Congress of Criminal Law.