VICTIMOLOGYNo 3(21) (2019)
In the issue
KVASHIS, V.E. Social Control over Crime: what has to be done? VINOKUROVA, M.A. Victimological Portrait: Concept, Content, Value in the Context of Combating Crime. MAYOROV, A.V., YAREMENKO, N.E. Victimological Aspect of Fraud. SEMENOV, V.R. Illegal Organization and Conduct of Gambling: Foreign Historical Experience. PERKOV, A.A. Training Profiling as one of the Methods of Victimological Prevention. SHESTAKOV, D.A. DIKAYEV, S.U. DANILOV, A.Р. The Chronicle of Saint-Petersburg International Criminological Club. Year 2018 (part 2).
VICTIMOLOGYNo 2(20) (2019)
In the issue
VINNIKOVA, R.V. Status of the Victim in International Law Act. FOMINYH, E.S. Modern Contexts of Socialization and Victimization of Personality. EVSEEV, A.V., KHRAMOV, E.A., CHUPIS, I.N. The Priorities of Victimological Crime Prevention. KABANOV, P.A. Criminal Victimization of Minors: age Structure and its Contents. MULLAKHMETOVA, N.Ye. About the Need to Improve Crime Victim Statistics. ULYANOVA, N.E. Manipulation in Relation to Victims of Crime and other Offenses.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 1(19) (2019)
In the issue
KVASHIS, V.E. Key Indicators and Trends of Crime in the United States. MAYOROV, A.V. Legal Protection of the Individual: Victimological Aspect. VORONIN, Yu.A. Personality of Criminal: Conceptual Aspects. BOYKO, O.A., REVYAGIN, A.V., PANOV, S.L. The Turnover of Counterfeit Goods: Determinants and Countermeasures. MOSECHKIN, I.N. Victimological Aspects of Counteraction to School-Shooting.
The collection of conference materials (PVCMS 2019)2019
Collection of materials of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Protection of Victims of Crime in Modern Society" (PVCMS 2019) (May 15, 2019), dedicated to the International Day of Support for Victims of Crime.
The collection of conference materials contains reports (abstracts) of speeches of all participants, as well as students, undergraduates and postgraduates.
Conference program (PVCMS 2019).
All materials are published in the author's editorial office. -
VICTIMOLOGYNo 4(18) (2018)
In the issue
Kvashis, V.E., Sluchevskaya, Yu.A. Victimological Aspect of Ecological Criminology. Sorokin, A.I. Factors Influencing the Emergence of Extremism in the youth Environment and their Prevention. Kabanov, P.A. Victimological Terminology of Modern Russian Criminological Legislation. Yuzikhanova, E.G. Predetermination or Predisposition? A Victimological Essay on Female Prostitution. Teoharov, A.K. Criminal Liability for the use of Minors to Engage in Begging.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 3(17) (2018)
In the issue
Kabanov, P.A. Victimological Legislation of the Subjects of the Russian Federation Regulating Issues of Protection of Victims of Crimes: Formation, Content, Types. Korsakov, K.V. Restorative Justice as an Alternative to Traditional Criminal Justice. Evseev, A.V., Gavryushkin, Yu.B. Victimological Aspects of Crime at Transport Facilities of the Russian Federation. Boyko, O.A., Panov, S.L. Turnover of Furniture Products in the Russian Federation: Criminological and Victimological Aspect. Revyakin, S.V. Prevention of Fraud with the use of Modern Electronic Means of Communication.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 2(16) (2018)
In the issue
KVASHIS, V.E. Once Again about the Problems of Criminological Research. VISHNEVETSKY, K.V. Radical Victimology: Prerequisites and Prospects for Development. MULLAKHMETOVA, N.E. Legislative Initiatives for the Protection of Victims of Crime. BOYKO, O.A., PANOV S.L. Buyer of Counterfeit Products: Victim or Accomplice? MIZENINA, I.S. Problematic Aspects of the Participation of Juvenile Victims of Crime in the Media Space. FATKULIN, S.T. Legal Entities as an Object of Criminal Victimology.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 1(15) (2018)
In the issue
KVASHIS, V.E. Problems of Increasing the Level of Victimological Research. EVSEEV, A.V., RADIMUSHKINA, O.V. Criminological Characteristics and Trends in Criminal Victimization in the Russian Federation. HENRIKH, N.V. The Problem of the Subject in Modern Criminology. MAYOROV, A.V. Model Development the Victim of the Situation. TIMKO, S.A. Victimization as a Consequence of Low Legal Culture of the Population. BAZAROV, R.A. Problems of Crime Prevention by Criminal-Legal Measures.
Results of the Scientific and Practical Conference " Criminological Realities and the Law" -
VICTIMOLOGYNo 4(14) (2017)
In the issue
SABITOV, R.A. Legal Stimulation of Reports on Corruption. SOROKIN, A.I. On the Question of Legitimate Necessary Defense. BYCHKOV V.V. Victimological Component of Sexual Violence. NIGMATULLIN, M.R. Victimological Charateristics of Victims of Family and Domestic Crimes. YUZIKHANOVA, E.G. The Internal Affairs Bodies in Ensuring Victim Safety of Migrants. VINOKUROVA, M.A. Iatrogenic Lesion: Crime or Tort?
VICTIMOLOGYNo 3(13) (2017)
In the issue
KABANOV, P.A. Modern Criminological Victimology: Trends and some Promising Directions of Development. TIMKO, S.A., ZHAYVORONOK, A.V. Assessment of the Possibilities of Victimological Prevention in the Norms of the Federal Law of June 23, 2016 No. 182-FZ "On the Basics of the System of Crime Prevention in the Russian Federation". GROMOVA, O.N., RYZHOVA, N.I. Victimological Training of a Modern Specialist: Goals, Tasks, Criteria. FOMINYKH, E.S. Factors and Conditions of Victimization of the Individual in the Conditions of Transitive Society. FESHCHENKO, P.N. Victimology of Social Tension.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 2(12) (2017)
In the issue
KABANOV, P.A. Victimological Measurement of the Consequences of Modern Russian Crime: Criminological Analysis of Official Statistics 2009-2016. KUZMINA, N.V. Victimological Aspect of Illegal and Conflict Activities of Organized Ethnic Groups. KASHKAROV, A. A. Victim Ambivalence on the Example of Bribery. ILYUK, E.V. Archetype of Criminal and Victim Behavior. MULLAKHMETOVA, N.Ye. Victims of Crimes with Mental Disorders: Victimological and Criminal Procedural Aspects. SUKHAREV, A.A. Privileged Victimhood as a Consequence of Psychological Domestic Violence.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 1(11) (2017)
In the issue
UTKOV, P.Yu. The Value of Psychological Assistance in Solving the Problem of Victim Behavior of Primary School Children. YUROVA, K.I., YUROV, I.A. Psychology of Victim Behavior of Young People. ILYUK, E.V. Victimhood is Born in the Family (About the Victims of Incest). KABANOV, P.A. Statistical Measurement of Criminal Victimization of Migrants in Modern Russia. KALASHNIKOV, O.D. Victimological Prevention — a Promising Direction in the Fight Against Crime at the Present Stage. MAYOROV, A.V. The State of Criminogenic Victimization in the Territory of the Ural Federal District in the Period 2010—2016.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 4(10) (2016)
In the issue
PUSTOVAYA, I.N. The Concept of the Victim in the Criminal Proceedings of Russia. KABANOV, P.A. Victimology of Terrorism: Issues of Formation and Development. GARIPOV, I.M. Victimological Factors and Victimological Situations of Criminal Corruption Behavior in the Republic of Tatarstan. GONCHAROV, D.Yu., ZYRYANOVA, Zh.E. Small-Scale Bribery as One of the Manifestations of Domestic Corruption. TROSHINA, S.M., LUKYANENKO, S.D. Analysis of the Methods and Technologies of Information Security in Cloud Server. SHTEFAN, A.V. To the Question of the Subjects of the Special Prevention of Violence Against Children in the Family. YUZIKHANOVA, E.G. Review of the Monograph of Mayorov Andrey Vladimirovich "Victimological Counteraction to Crime" (Chelyabinsk, 2016)
VICTIMOLOGYNo 3(9) (2016)
In the issue
KABANOV, P.A. Minor Victims of Modern Russian Crime: Statisticsictimological Dimension (2009-2015). OSTROVETSKAYA, Yu.A. The Personality of a Criminal who Commits Nonviolent Sexual Assaults Against Minors. MERINOV, A.V., MEDENTSEVA, T. A. Birth in an Alcoholic Family as a Factor in the Formation of Increased Victimization of the Individual. TIMKO, S.A., TIMKO, V.P. Man-Victim of Family Violence: the Relevance of the Problem in Russia. MYASNIKOV, A.M., TSUKANOVA, E.G. Criminalization of Stalking. YUZIKHANOVA, E.G. The Role and Place of Private Security Organizations in the Prevention of Street Crime (on the Example of Advanced forms and Methods of their Involvement in Ensuring the Protection of Public Order).
VICTIMOLOGYNo 2(8) (2016)
In the issue
MAYOROV, A.V. Legal Bases of Protection of Victims of Crime in Russia. YAKOVLEV, M.G. Age as a Prerequisite to the Victimization of a Person. YAREMENKO, N.E. Victimology in Proverbs and Sayings of Different Peoples of the World. MERINOV, A.V., BAYKOVA, M.A. Analysis of Victim Behavior Patterns in Families of Men Suffering From Alcohol Dependence. TITOVA, A.S. Factors Influencing the Psychological State of the Victim. MULLAKHMETOVA, N.E. Novelties of Legislation on the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence.
TO THE READER: Bookshelf. Overview of the International Industry Publications.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 1(7) (2016)
In the issue
KABANOV, P.A. Victims of Russian Crime: a Gerontological Aspect (Criminological Analysis of Victimological Statistics for 2014-2015). GOLOSHCHAPOVA, T.G., MIRMOVICH, T.D. Names of a Person in the Criminal World. MISHCHENKO, I.E. Relativity of the Norm and Deviant Behavior as Deviations From it in the Historical and Philosophical Context. ZHAYVORONOK, A.V., TIMKO, S.A. Operational and Preventive Operations as a Means of Preventing the Victimization of Minors. RAZVIN, Y.M. Victimology Corruption.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 4(6) (2015)
In the issue
CHEREPASHKIN, S.A. Criminological Characteristics of Criminality of Migrant Workers. OSINTSEVA, A.V. Victimological Aspect of Professional Activity of a Police Officer in the Context of Professional Risks. MAKSIMENKOV, A.A., MAYOROV, A.V. Psychological Aspects of Victimization. DENISOVICH, V.V., LEZHNIKOV, S.B. Features of Prevention and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency: on the Example of Law Enforcement Practice of the Kurgan Region. NIKITIN, Ye.V. Problems of Victim Road Safety.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 3(5) (2015)
In the issue
MAYOROV, A.V. On the Concept of "Victim" in Criminal Law. IOGOLEVICH, N.I., IOGOLEVICH, V.A. The Theory of Integral Individuality as the Basis of the Concept of Individual Victimization of the Subject. GARMANOV, V.M. The Importance of Preventing Secondary Victimization of Victims in the Activities of Police Officers. PLAVSKAYA, N.V. Legal Awareness of Young People as a Factor of their Increased Victimization. PANSHIN, D.L. Victimological Dimension of Russian Economic Crime: Analysis of Statistical Indicators of 2009-2014. FESHCHENKO, P.N. Problems of Victimological Prevention of Crime in Modern Russia. KAISINA, T.P. Penitentiary Victimization of Convicts.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 2(4) (2015)
In the issue
ISHCHUK, Ya.G. Human Rights in Russian Legal Proceedings: Victimological Aspect. OLKOVA, O.A. Study of the Relationship Between Premeditated Murders and Quintile Coefficients of Income Differentiation in Ukraine. TANAEVA, Z.R. Family Problems as a Factor of Victimization of Minors. FESHCHENKO, P.N. Victimological Aspect of Social Tension. MULLAKHMETOVA, N.Ye. Victimological Aspects of Corruption. VINOKUROVA, M.A. Victimization in the Sphere of Careless Professional Medical Crimes (Part 2 of Article 109, Part 2 of Article 118 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). MAYOROV, A.V. Modern Analysis of Victimization in Society (on the Example of the Ural Federal District).
VICTIMOLOGYNo 1(3) (2015)
In the issue
GORSHENKOV, G.N. Victimological Aspect of the New Criminology. AKHMEDSHINA, N.V. About Victims of Crimes. MIKHAILOV, K.V. Is it Possible to Compensate for Moral Damage Caused to the Victim by a Non-Violent Crime Against Property? KOVALENKO, V.V. To the Question of the Prevention of Migration, Crime and Victimization of Migrants. PETUKHOVA, T.N. Impact on the Victimization of the Individual National Origin of the Victim. DEMENTIEVA, N.A., MAYOROV, A.V. Socio-Legal Aspects of Drug Addiction Prevention in Adolescents.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 2(2) (2014)
In the issue
MAYOROV, A.V. Protection of Human Rights: Victimological Aspect. DESYATOVA, O.V. Legal Assessment of Harm Caused During the Detention of a Person who Committed a Socially Dangerous Assault: Victimological Dimension. NAZAROVA, A.V., TEBENKOV, R.P. The Legal Status of the Victim in the Administrative Legislation of Russia. GARMANOV, V.M. Separate Areas for the Prevention of Victimization of Police Officers. SKURIKHINA, A.A., RONZHINA, O.S. Victimization in the Field of Computer Crimes.
VICTIMOLOGYNo 1(1) (2014)
In the issue
Mayorov, A.V., Nazarov, V.I. Victimology: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Voronin, Yu.A. Manifestations of Personal Characteristics and Social Roles of Victims in the Mechanism of Determination and Implementation of Crimes. Sabitov, R.A. Betweenness of the Following Concepts «Complainant», «Sufferer» and «Victim». Vishnevetsky, K.V., Kurakin, E.O. Criminological Model of Victimization Social Groups as Part of the System of Crime Prevention. Yakimova, E.D. Victimological Prevention of Crime: Content and Tasks.