ISSN 2411-0590(Print) ISSN 2782-277X(Online)
In the issue
KABANOV, P.A. Victimological Views of Professor Alexander V. Lokhvitsky and their Modern Significance. ALEXANDRINA, N.M. Corporate Victims of Crime: Concept and Content. ASADULLINA, G.R., IVENTEV, S.I. Victims of Spiritual and Moral Crimes. GLYANTS, Ye.M. The Main Social and Victimological Measures for the Protection of Orphans in the Russian Federation. KOBETS, P.N. Legal Regulation of Compensation for Criminal Damage in the States of the Anglosaxon Legal System and the Need to Use their Experience in Domestic Law-Making. KHRAMOV, S.M. Victimhood as one of the Manifestations of Undeclared Crime(on the Example of the Republic of Belarus)