Peculiarities of the Victimological Doctrine of the Minor Victims of Crime in the Context of Formation and of Development Juvenient Law and Victimology
The article discusses the peculiarities of the victimological doctrine of the minor victims of crime in the context of formation and of development juvenient law (juvenile law) and victimology. In the context of the formation and development of juvenile law, the following is highlighted: attention to the juvenile delinquent and the criminal as a person in need of protection; the presence of sectoral criminal law norms aimed at protecting only minors; the need to understand by “victim” not only juvenile victims and other victims of a crime, but also other juveniles involved in various ways in criminal or related activities. In the context of the formation and development of victimology, it is highlighted: attention to the minor as one of the possible (in some cases, the most probable) victims of a crime; (primary) importance of preventive (victimological) measures in minors; significant "filling" of scientific and official doctrine, a noticeable correlation between them. The author of the article, among the features of the victimological doctrine of a minor victim common to the two aspects of attention in the context of the formation and development of juvenile law and victimology, highlights: priority attention to the protection of a minor in the system of legal regulation, in the juvenile law; semantic expansion of the concept “victim of a crime”, if we are talking about a minor; the need to take into account the impact of the problems of legal regulation and juvenile law, criminology and victimology on the victimological doctrine of a minor victim.
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