The Main Social and Victimological Measures for the Protection of Orphans in the Russian Federation
The paper examines the features of victimization of orphans as the most vulnerable group of minors, analyzes changes in Russian legislation, according to which orphans are classified as children in a difficult life situation. The object of the research is social relations arising in the process of implementing measures of social and victimological protection of orphans in the Russian Federation. The subject of the research is normative legal acts governing legal relations related to measures of social protection of orphans in the Russian Federation; research by domestic and foreign scientists. As a result of the study, the reasons for the victimization of orphans were identified, attention was paid to the influence of institutional education on the social exclusion of orphans, which contributes to their subsequent victimization. In addition, the main measures of social and victimological protection of orphans in the Russian Federation are highlighted; attention is paid to such measures as victimological education and victimological education of orphans.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ye. M. Glyants

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