
The VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference in absentia "Protection of Crime Victims in Modern Society" (PCVMS 2025)


Date: February 20-21, 2025, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Organizers: Editorial Board of the Journal "Victimology"; Department of Prosecutorial Supervision and Organization of Law Enforcement Activity, Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia) and  Department of Criminal Law of the Ural State Law University named after V.F. Yakovlev (Yekaterinburg, Russia); Research Center for Forensic Science and Criminalistics (Kaluga, Russia)
Deadline for submissions: February 20, 2025
Admission of articles till: March 01, 2025
Publisher: Editorial Board of the Journal "Victimology"; LLC "Escuela"


Information Letter

Read more about The VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference in absentia "Protection of Crime Victims in Modern Society" (PCVMS 2025)

Current Issue

Vol 11 No 4 (2024): VICTIMOLOGY
Журнал Виктимология #4/2024

ISSN 2411-0590(Print)    ISSN 2782-277X(Online)

Journal VICTIMOLOGY a peer-reviewed scientific periodical. The purpose of the journal is to publish scientific articles in the field of victimology, to develop an interdisciplinary approach of the doctrine of victim, to maintain and popularize the science, as well as to discuss current issues and problems of ensuring the protection of victims of crime, the implementation of criminal justice and respect for the rights of victims of crime in Russia. The mission of the journal is to promote the dissemination of new knowledge in the field of victimology.

Published: 2024-11-28

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The  Journal of Victimology [Viktimologia]
is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical publication that regularly publishes research by the scientific community of victimologists on topical issues of victimology.  Journal of Victimology [Viktimologia] is the leading national scientific journal in the field of research on the victimization of modern society. The Journal of Victimology [Viktimologia] publishes scientific articles containing the results of victimological research, as well as the results of the study of victimization society; scientific materials on the problems of criminal justice and support for victims of crime, as well as victimological studies of the individual in the field of social science and psychological science.
Editor-in-chief: Andrey V. Mayorov 
Published 4 times a year

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